Elite AT 6401
A propos de ce produit
ELITE AT 6401 Enhanced Polyethylene Resin is an ethylene/octene-1 copolymer suitable for the production of blown film requiring good sealing and toughness with good stiffness and temperature resistance.
Main Characteristics
- High Hot Tack and Seal Strength
- Broad Hot Tack and FFS Packaging Window
- Excellent Stiffness and Toughness Properties
- High Throughput Resin with Excellent Bubble Stability
Complies with:
- U.S. FDA FCN 424
- EU, No 10/2011
- Canadian HPFB No Objection
Consult the regulations for complete details.
Food Contact Acceptable
Processing Stability, Good
Stiffness, High
Toughness, High
Marchés et technologies
- | No 10/2011 |
- | FCN 424 |
- | (Canada) No Objection |
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