Elite AT6507
A propos de ce produit
An EVA-free solution for stretch hood films, ELITE™ AT Enhanced Polyethylene resins, offer unique holding force, elasticity recovery, optics and toughness. It enables film downgauging and offer significant CO2 reductions while increasing load stability performance.
ELITE™ AT 6507 Enhanced Polyethylene Resin is a copolymer produced via INSITE™ technology from Dow. It is designed for stretch hooder application and offers a unique combination of holding force, elastic recovery, optics and toughness.
Main Characteristics:
- Excellent elastic recovery and holding force
- Very high impact resistance and tear properties
- Ease of processing
Elasticity, High
Food Contact Acceptable
Processability, Good
Strength, Good
Stretchability, Good
Marchés et technologies
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