Dow Wire & Cable DHDA-7707 BK
A propos de ce produit
DHDA-7707 BK is a deformation resistant semiconductive material specifically designed for use as insulation shielding for crosslinkable polyethylene insulated power cable. In today's cable technology, DHDA-7707 BK also finds application as a thermoplastic conductor shield and as an overall jacket where superior thermal stress, crack resistance and toughness are valued properties. Other attractive properties include superior volume resistivity stability, and ease of processing.
Cables with insulation shielding or jackets of DHDA-7707 BK prepared using sound commercial extrusion practice should meet the following specifications:
- AEIC: CS8-00
- ICEA: S-94-649
- ICEA: S-97-682
See full data sheet all properties
Marque commerciale: Dow Wire & CableProducteur: DowType de polymère: LDPECharges: 0% Carbon PowderForm: GranulesSustainability: Not Classified
Carbon Black
Processability, Good
Semi Conductive
Marchés et technologies
- | CS8-00 |
- | S-94-649 |
- | S-97-682 |
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