Pebax RNEW 80R53 SP02
A propos de ce produit
Polyether block Pebax® Rnew® 80R53 SP 02 resin is a thermoplastic elastomer made of flexible polyether and rigid polyamide based on renewable resources. This SP grade has been developed to be heat and UV resistant.
Main applications:
Ski shoes.
Athletic foot wear components.
This grade is delivered dried in sealed packaging (20 and 25 kg bags) ready to be processed.
Shelf Life:
Two years from the delivery. For any use above this limit, please refer to our technical services.
Abrasion Resistant
Fatigue Resistant
Heat Resistance, Good
Heat Stabilized
Impact Resistance, High
Light Stabilized
Low Temperature Flexibility
Low Temperature Impact Resistance
Low Temperature Resistant
Low Temperature Toughness
Renewable Resource Content
UV Resistant
UV Stabilized
Wear Resistant
Marchés et technologies
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