Vectra A530
A propos de ce produit
Best overall surface appearance with properties similar to A130. Less abrasive than glass fiber reinforced grades. Improved toughness over A130. Outstanding hydrolytic stability. Recommended where aesthetics are key. 30% mineral filled. Chemical abbreviation according to ISO 1043-1 : LCP Inherently flame retardant FDA compliant UL-Listing V-0 in natural and black at 0.38mm thickness per UL 94 flame testing, and UL-5VA in natural at 3.0mm. Relative-Temperature-Index (RTI) according to UL 746B: electrical 130°C, mechanical 130°C. UL = Underwriters Laboratories (USA)
Flame Retardant
Hydrolytically Stable
Surface Finish, Good
Toughness, High
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