Braskem STN7006-GREEN LDPE

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STN7006 is a low-density polyethylene (LDPE) specially developed for coextruded films and lamination. The resin presents a great combination among mechanical, optical and stiffness properties. Besides STN7006 has low gels content which ensure a production of excellent appearance films. This product is identified as PE 114 according to ASTM D-4976-04a standard specification. Additives free. The minimum biobased content of this grade is 95%, determined according to ASTM D6866.

Applications: High clarity films for coextruded food packaging, such as: cheese, meat, sausages, sliced ham, etc. Cast films for table cloth, curtains and laminated tissues. Flexible bottles for solids, liquids or pasties products for hygiene and cleanness. Flexible containers for cosmetics and pharmaceutical applications (complies with USP 37).
Process: Blown Film Extrusion

Brand: BraskemProducer: BraskemPolymer Type: LDPEFiller: UnfilledQuality: PrimeForm: GranulesSustainability: Not Classified
Additive Free
Clarity, High
Density, Low
Food Contact Acceptable
Gel, Low
Optical Properties, Good
Renewable Resource Content
Stiffness, High

Piyasalar ve Teknolojiler

Teknik Özellikler

-ASTM D4976-PE114
-21 CFR 177.1520

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