Xantar C

Brand information


Blending of XANTAR® polycarbonate with ABS has a variety of effects on the properties of the blend, resulting in a new class of materials. For some properties, such as temperature resistance, the blend performance is in between those of the two parent materials. Specific advantages of these materials are due to synergetic effects, such as lower melt viscosity and higher impact resistance under unfavourable conditions (low temperatures, sharp notches, exposure to chemicals or applied stresses).

XANTAR® C incorporates specially developed high purity ABS and offers an improved property profile compared to other PC/ABS blends.

Key XANTAR® C properties are:

  • Highest flow in combination with excellent toughness
  • High level of purity
  • High stability
  • Bright natural colour

The benefits are: easier filling of complex parts, lower mould deposit during injection moulding, low volatiles level and reduced fogging tendency, better long-term property retention and improved colour consistency and appearance.
XANTAR® C delivers value through broadening the design and application scope.

The XANTAR® C product line consists of standard, flame retardant and special grades.

Image Label

Producers: Mitsubishi Engineering PlasticsPolymer group: PCPolymer group/type(s): PC/ABS

Xantar C products

1 produkt(er) hittades på Xantar C
Polymergrupp och polymertypPC (PC/ABS)
FyllmedelEj fylld
FunktionerFlame Retardant


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