
Versify 4200

POE - Brez polnila

VERSIFY 4200 Plastomer is a resin with a medium melt flow rate, therefore making it a general purpose resin. It is suitable for fiber extrusion, extrusion coating, compounding and injection molding processes and applications. It has excellent compatibility with PP and is an useful agent to bring softness and temperature performance.

Main Characteristics

  • Pellet
  • Medium Melt Flow Rate
  • Compatible with PP
  • Soft polypropylene


  • Fibers
  • Compounding
  • Injection molded consumer goods
  • Extrusion coating

Complies with:

  • EU, No 10/2011
  • U.S. FDA FCN 909
  • U.S. FDA 21 CFR 175.105(c)(5)
  • Consult the regulations for complete details.

Blagovna znamka Versify
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