
Vectra A130

LCP - 30% Glass Fiber

The Standard for the Industry. Excellent balance of properties, including easy flow, easy processing, thermal stability, chemical resistance, mechanical and electrical properties. Suitable for vapor phase surface mount electrical and electronic devices. 30% glass reinforced Chemical abbreviation according to ISO 1043-1 : LCP Inherently flame retardant FDA compliant UL-Listing V-0 in natural and black at 0.2mm thickness per UL 94 flame testing, and UL-5VA in natural at 1.5mm. Relative-Temperature-Index (RTI) according to UL 746B: electricals 240 deg C, mechanicals 220 deg C at 0.85mm. UL = Underwriters Laboratories (USA)
D-2 --> black
blank --> natural

Blagovna znamka Vectra
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