Ravago Manufacturing

Sconablend 70 X 119

TPS - Brez polnila

Sconablend TPE 70 X 119 is a compound for thermoplastic processing with rubber - like properties.
Sconablend TPE 70 X 119 provides a number of outstanding physical properties:
 high elasticity, flexural and tensile strength
 good flexibility at low temperatures and ageing properties
 easy colouring
 reuse of in-plant waste without difficulties
 excellent processing properties
 applicable for hard - soft connections
Properties / Application
With its wide range of excellent properties, Sconablend TPE 70 X 119 can be used for numerous applications
e.g. technical goods for the automotive industry, handles for sporting goods and toy parts.
Sconablend TPE 70 X 119 has excellent adhesion to polyolefines, blends and composites based on
polyolefines. Therefore it opens interesting possibilities for solutions in the production and processing of hard -
soft connections by two component injection-moulding or coextrusion welding, e.g. sealing lips for fan systems,
encapsulation of tools and impellers.
Sconablend TPE 70 X 119 can be processed by injection-moulding and extrusion.
Injection-moulding melt temperatures ranging from 180°C to 250°C and mould temperatures ranging from 30°C
to 50°C are recommended.
The injection rate should be as high as possible.
The extrusion of Sconablend TPE 70 X 119 requires melt temperatures between 160°C and 190°C.

Sconablend TPE 70 X 119 is not hygroscopic and therefore drying is not necessary if the material is stored

Blagovna znamka Sconablend
ProizvajalecRavago Manufacturing
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