Hanwha Total PP BI 980

O tem izdelku

BI980 is high flow impact copolymer for injection molding applications. BI980 is reactor-made block PP, which exhibits high rigidity as well as excellent impact strength due to the ideal combination of highly crystalline homo matrix and well-designed rubber morphology. They are suitable for the injection molding of large-scale articles and thin products.

Blagovna znamka: Hanwha Total PPProizvajalec: HanwhaTip polimera: PP COPOPolnilo: Brez polnilaOblika: GranulesKvaliteta: PrimeSustainability: Not Classified
Flow, High
Heat Resistance, High
Highly Crystalline
Rigidity, High
Strength, High

Trgi in tehnologije


Za ta produkt ni navedenih specifikacij

Zahteva za ponudbo

Fast response
Prilagojeni materiali in ceneHitro zahtevajte ponudbe za določene tipe in količine.
Izčrpne informacije o materialuDostopajte do podrobnih informacij za naš celoten portfelj materialov.
Učinkovito upravljanje naročilSpremljajte stanje naročil in pridobite podrobne informacije.

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Resinex. Vse pravice pridržane. Član skupine Ravago