Braskem HDPE HA7260
O tomto produkte
HA7260 is a high-density polyethylene, developed for the injection molding, easy to process and with high productivity. This resin has a good melt flow with high rigidity and hardness. Its narrow molar mass distribution results in a low tendency to warpage.
Pails & basins, Toys, Lids, Thin-walled parts and Housewares
Injection Molding
Obchodná značka: Braskem HDPEVýrobca: BraskemTyp polyméru: HDPEVýplň: NevyplnenéFormulár: GranulesUdržateľnosť: Not Classified
Density, High
Flow, Good
Food Contact Acceptable
Hardness, High
Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution
Processability, Good
Rigidity, High
Warpage, Low
Trhy a technológie
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