Westlake PVC 19921B
O tomto produkte
Flexible PVC-compound for extrusion cables: insulation and sheathing.
Maximum temperature service: 105 ºC, at insulating applications at a minimum wall thickness of 0.015" and thicker wall thicknesses in all sizes. Excellent low
temperature performance.
Designed for use at higher operations temperatures. UL-listed compound.
This compound is for use as insulation for types TW, THW, THW-2, THHW, THHN, THWN, and THWN-2 as described in Article 310 of the National Electrical
Code where the acceptability of the combination has been determined by Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
Obchodná značka: Westlake PVCVýrobca: Westlake ChemicalTyp polyméru: PVC CompoundVýplň: NevyplnenéFormulár: GranulesUdržateľnosť: Not Classified
Flexibility, Good
Low Temperature Resistant
Oil Resistant
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