Sabic LLDPE MG500026
O tomto produkte
SABIC LLDPE MG50026 is a high flow linear density copolymer grade with a narrow molecular weight distribution. SABIC LLDPE MG50026 resin is in powder form.
SABIC LLDPE MG500026 typically used for injection moulding masterbatches where a high filler acceptance is required, combined with a good flow. Since the resin is supplied in free flowing powder form it can be used for masterbatch production where PE powders are used.
This product is not intended for and must not be used in any pharmaceutical/medical applications.
Obchodná značka: Sabic LLDPEVýrobca: SabicTyp polyméru: LLDPEVýplň: NevyplnenéFormulár: PowderSustainability: Not Classified
Density, Low
Flow, High
Food Contact Acceptable
Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution
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