Magnum 3904

Об этом продукте

MAGNUM 3904 is a medium heat ABS. Its very high impact properties make it suitable for main interior automotive applications. Due to its excellent extrusion capabilities, this product is also used for large thermoformed parts, for Truck and Bus applications.


  • Lot to lot consistency allowing for optimal machine parameters settings from the start
  • Self-coloring enabling improvement of costs by using less pigments and lowering your logistic costs
  • Low VOC allowing a better interior air quality facing increasing regulatory and OEMs constraints.
  • Heat stability during wide range of processing temperatures: enhanced part design freedom
  • Contains low amounts of gels providing for excellent thermoformability with low levels of scrap


  • Main interior automotive applications requiring high impact
  • Various interior trims, under the beltline
  • Large sized applications in commercial transportation

Complies with:
U.S. FDA FCN 1525

Бренд: MagnumПроизводитель: TrinseoТип полимера: ABSНаполнитель: НенаполненныйФорма: GranulesКачество: PrimeУстойчивое развитие: Not Classified
Colorability, Good
Impact Resistance, High
Processability, Good
Purity, High
VOC, Low

Рынки и технологии

Технические характеристики

-GS 93016
-DBL 5404.03
-QK 002022
-VW-TL 527

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