Elite 5400 GS

Об этом продукте

ELITE 5400GS Enhanced Polyethylene Resin is a copolymer produced via INSITE Technology from Dow. It offers extremely high impact resistance, combined with excellent tear, tensile and optical properties for high strength blown film applications. In addition, ELITE 5400GS Enhanced Polyethylene Resin offers a unique combination of low seal initiation, higher modulus, and low blocking tendencies for automated packaging applications.


  • For food and specially packaging films.
  • Extremely high impact resistance.
  • Excellent tear, tensile, and optical properties.
  • Low seal initiation temperatures and high hot tack strengths for form-fill-seal applications.

Complies with:

  • EU, No 10/2011
  • U.S. FDA FCN 424
    -- Consult the regulations for complete details.
Бренд: EliteПроизводитель: DowPolymer Type: mLLDPEНаполнитель: НенаполненныйФорма: GranulesКачество: PrimeSustainability: Not Classified
Food Contact Acceptable
Impact Resistance, Ultra High
Optical Properties, Good
Puncture Resistant
Tear Strength, Good

Рынки и технологии

Технические характеристики

-No 10/2011
-FCN 424

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