Vestolen P 9421
Despre acest produs
This random copolymer has a high molecular weight with special designed properties required for high demanding pressure pipes. It is highly heat stabilised and especially formulated for extraction resistance. This grade with long service life is used for the manufacturing of cold and hot water pipes and fittings for transport of drinking water. This grade fulfills the requirements in EN ISO 15874, ISO 3213, DIN 8078 and DIN 8077. It also complies with German regulations for materials in contact with water intended for human consumption (BGA requirements and KTW recommendations).
The product mentioned herein is in particular not tested and therefore not validated for use in pharmaceutical/medical applications.
Brand: Vestolen PProducător: SabicTip Polimer: PP RACORanforsare: NeranforsatForma: GranulesSustenabilitate: Not Classified
Heat Stabilized
Molecular Weight, High
Random Copolymer
Piețe și tehnologii
- | Various |
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