Natureworks Ingeo 4060D
Despre acest produs
Ingeo 4060D can be coextruded with other Ingeo resin to form a sealant layer for biaxially oriented Ingeo film. This resin has excellent heat seal and hot tack performance with a seal initiation temperature of 80 deg C. This sealant does not adversely affect the unique properties of Ingeo bixially oriented film such as high gloss and transparency, dead-fold or aroma and grease barrier.
Brand: Natureworks IngeoProducător: NatureworksTip Polimer: PLARanforsare: NeranforsatForma: GranulesSustenabilitate: Not Classified
Food Contact Acceptable
Gloss, High
Grease Resistant
Heat Sealable
Renewable Resource Content
Piețe și tehnologii
- | 10/2011 |
- | Food Contact, Unspecified Rating |
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