Braskem HDPE HD7255LS-L
Despre acest produs
HD7255LS-L is a high-density polyethylene, developed for the injection molding with good tenacity and impact properties combined with a good stiffness. It presents a radio between melt flow and density that provides excellent mechanical properties. This resin has additives against the action of ultraviolet radiation.
Application: Bins, Boxes for fruits and vegetables, Boxes for fish, general purpose boxes and caps and closures for general use.
Process: Injection Molding
Brand: Braskem HDPEProducător: BraskemTip Polimer: HDPERanforsare: NeranforsatForma: GranulesCalitate: PrimeSustenabilitate: Not Classified
Density, High
Food Contact Acceptable
Impact Resistance, Good
Light Stabilized
Processability, Good
Stiffness, High
UV Resistant
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