Dow Wire & Cable HFDB-4201 NT E
Despre acest produs
HFDB 4201 NT E is the same product as HFDB 4201 NT.
HFDB-4201 NT is an unfilled, crosslinkable, low density polyethylene insulation compound designed for medium voltage power cable insulation applications. HFDB-4201 NT has been designed to have a low level of additive bloom for a long storage life, low dusting and an enhanced degree of scorch retardance.
HFDB-4201 NT is recommended for the insulation of power distribution cables.
HFDB-4201 NT is designed for use in power distribution cables. Cables insulated with HFDB-4201 NT, using sound commercial manufacturing practice, would be expected to meet the latest editions of the following specifications and regulations:
- ANSI/ICEA*: S-94-649, S-97-682, S-93-639/NEMA WC74
- UL 1072
- IEC 60502
- GB/T 12706
- BSI BS 6622, 7870-4
- Applicable to USA manufactured product only.
Brand: Dow Wire & CableProducător: DowTip Polimer: PE-PeroxideRanforsare: NeranforsatForma: GranulesSustenabilitate: Not Classified
Electrical Properties, Good
Medium Voltage
Processability, Good
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