Si-Link DFDB 5451 NT

Informacje o tym produkcie

SI-LINK™ AC Crosslinkable Polyethylene DFDB-5451 NT is a scorch retardant ethylene- silane-copolymer developed for use in LV (Low Voltage) power cable and control cable applications up to 1 kV. DFDB-5451 NT may be crosslinked under ambient conditions after it is extruded with the DFDA-5488 NT catalyst masterbatch. If a black product is required for UV protection, the addition of DFDB-5410 BK is recommended or the 2 component solution with combined catalyst and BK masterbatch - DFDB 5418 BK.
Because the catalyst and carbon black masterbatches are shipped separately from the DFDB-5451 NT copolymer, the components are very shelf-stable. Crosslinking of the total system only occurs after hot melt mixing of the components and exposure to moisture and temperature.
See complete data sheet for process and cure rate.

Nazwa handlowa: Si-LinkProducent: DowRodzaj polimeru: PE-SilaneWypełniacz: NiewypełnionyForma: GranulesKlasa jakości: PrimeZrównoważony rozwój: Not Classified
Electrical Properties, Good
Low Voltage
Processability, Good

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