Si-Link DFDB 5418 BK

Informacje o tym produkcie

DFDB-5418 BK EXP1 is a masterbatch of fast crosslinking catalyst and carbon black designed to be used with the scorch retardant DFDB-5451 NT ethylene-silane copolymer in order to produce insulation for power and control tray cables up to 1 kV. The masterbatch is especially designed to provide ambient curing and excellent UV protection and to minimize the moisture in the system.

Since the masterbatch is shipped separately from the silane-modified polyethylene, the components are very shelf-stable. Crosslinking of the insulation occurs only after the hot melt mixing of the two components. When DFDB-5418 is mixed with DFDB-5451, the resulting system has excellent scorch resistance during extrusion.

DFDB-5418 includes sufficient stabilization to provide excellent processing and product performance. The system is designed to be effective on either copper or aluminium conductors.

The recommended level of usage for DFDB-5418 is 8% by weight to achieve 2.5% carbon black loading. DFDB-5418 is designed with high loading of carbon black allowing processor to use less. The specific level will depend on the application, the process and the conditions used.

Nazwa handlowa: Si-LinkProducent: DowRodzaj polimeru: PE-SilaneWypełniacz: NiewypełnionyForma: GranulesKlasa jakości: PrimeZrównoważony rozwój: Not Classified
Low Voltage
Processability, Good
UV Stabilized

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