Celstran PP-GF30-0453

Informacje o tym produkcie

Material code according to ISO 1043-1: PP Polypropylene reinforced with 30weight percent long glass fibers. Low emission. The fibers are chemically coupled to the polypropylene matrix. The pellets are cylindrical and normally as well as the embedded fibers 10 mm long. Parts molded of CELSTRAN have outstanding mechanical properties such as high strength and stiffness combined with high heat deflection. The notched impact strength is increased at elevated and low temperatures due to the fiber skeleton built in the parts. The long fiber reinforcement reduces creep significantly. The very isotropic shrinkage in the molded parts minimizes the warpage. Complex parts can be manufactured with high reproducibility by injection molding. Application field: Functional/structural parts for automotive
Low emission PP-Homo; LGF 30
suffix P10/10 --> fiber length 10mm, black

Nazwa handlowa: CelstranProducent: CelaneseRodzaj polimeru: PP CompoundsWypełniacz: 30% Long Glass FiberForma: GranulesKlasa jakości: PrimeZrównoważony rozwój: Not Classified
Chemically Coupled
Creep Resistant
Emissions, Low
Isotropy, Good
Low Temperature Impact Resistance
Stiffness, High
Strength, High
Warpage, Low

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