Hostaform LX90Z CC44753

За овој производ

Hostaform LX90Z specialty metallic appearance grades are an integrally colored nominal 9 melt flow rate based acetal copolymer material stabilized for use where ultraviolet radiation exposure is to be encountered. The material is formulated to prevent discoloration, fading, chalking and mechanical property change in severe ultraviolet exposure. This product, formerly called Celcon UV90Z metallics, is available in many molded-in-color metallic colors formulated for the interior automotive market and other applications. Besides material, optimal finish for specialty metallic parts is dependent on proper drying, gate design, knit line locations, and special processing. Please contact Celanese Technical Service for assistance with your application.
As for standard LX90Z grade but CC44753 is liquid chrome colour.

Бренд: HostaformПроизводител: CelaneseТип на полимер: POM COPOФилер: НепополнетиФорма: GranulesКвалитет: PrimeОдржливост: Not Classified
Surface Finish, Good
UV Resistant
UV Stabilized

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