Sabic PP QR678K

За овој производ

SABIC PP QR678K is a very high melt flow index random copolymer with excellent transparency and good antistatic properties. This grade combines improved aesthetics of the finished articles with low temperature processability. Part aesthetics are not affected by the lower temperatures, providing for a broader operating window. The SABIC PP QR678K presents excellent flow behaviour, easy demoulding and good stiffness to impact ratio.

SABIC PP QR678K is mainly used in injection moulding processes. The SABIC PP QR678K aims at transparent applications were higher MFI's with good flow are required. Its intended applications include injection moulded housewares, office & home storage boxes, thin wall packaging and media packaging.

The product mentioned herein is in particular not tested and therefore not validated for use in pharmaceutical/medical applications.

Бренд: Sabic PPПроизводител: SabicТип на полимер: PP RACOФилер: НепополнетиФорма: GranulesКвалитет: PrimeОдржливост: Not Classified
Clarity, High
Flow, High
Mold Release, Good
Random Copolymer

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