Braskem HDPE HDB0763

За овој производ

HDB0763 is a high density polyethylene homopolymer, developed specifically for blow molding food containers. It exhibits excellent processing characteristics and extremely low odor in the finished container. This material meets the Food and Drug Administration requirements of 21 CFR 177.1520.

Typical Applications: Blow molded small volume containers for dairy products, yogurt, juice and other liquid food packing.
Process: Blow Molding, Injection Blow Molding

Бренд: Braskem HDPEПроизводител: BraskemТип на полимер: HDPEФилер: НепополнетиФорма: GranulesКвалитет: PrimeSustainability: Not Classified
Food Contact Acceptable
Odor, Low
Organoleptic Properties, Good
Processability, Good

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