Isplen PP 070 G2M

За овој производ

ISPLEN® PP 070 G2M is a polypropylene homopolymer with a medium fluidity intended for injection moulding. It is characterised by good flow properties that enables to fill the mould easier. Articles manufactured with this grade have excellent chemical resistance, are easily decorated and can accept different colouring systems.

ISPLEN® PP 070 G2M is widely used for the production of consumer goods such us:
Food containers and rigid packaging.
Toys and small appliances.
Caps and closures.

Recommended melt temperature range from 210 to 250°C. Processing conditions should be optimised for each production line.

Бренд: IsplenПроизводител: RepsolТип на полимер: PP HOMOФилер: НепополнетиФорма: GranulesКвалитет: PrimeSustainability: Not Classified
Chemical Resistant
Colorability, Good
Flow, Good
Flow, Medium
Food Contact Acceptable

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