Resinex RX 104

За овој производ


RX 104 NATURAL is the powder version of Affinity DSQ1503.00.

When we use RX 104 to make colours, black or special effects, the resulting product is named:
RX 104 "colour" xxxx (xxxx is a unique 4 digit number for that colour).

Applications / Grade Selection:

This is a speciality polymer with high flexibility, a typical example would be flexible road bollards, very common in the UK.
RX 104 has a density of 900 so is much more flexible than standard LLDPE for roto but a lot less flexible than RX 148 with a density of 882.

Typical Datasheet Information:

RX 104 NATURAL is a Polyolefin Plastomer produced using INSITE™ technology and is specifically designed for
rotational moulding applications. It is intended for applications requiring excellent flexibility and elastic recovery
properties, excellent environmental stress cracking resistance and impact strength combined with low warping and good
RX 104 NATURAL is fully heat and UV stabilised resulting in a very wide processing latitude, good colour retention and
long life expectancy.

Бренд: ResinexПроизводител: ResinexТип на полимер: POPФилер: НепополнетиФорма: PowderКвалитет: PrimeОдржливост: Not Classified
UV Resistant

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