Affinity SQ 1503 UE

За овој производ

AFFINITY SQ 1503 UE Polyolefin Plastomer is a Polyolefin Plastomer (POP) produced using INSITE Technology.

AFFINITY SQ 1503 UE Polyolefin Plastomer is specifically designed for rotomoulding applications. It offers easy demoulding combined with flexibility and elastic recovery normally associated with polar copolymers such as EBA, EVA and plasticised PVC.

Processing and Stabilisation: The inherently stable POP is further stabilised against heat and UV-radiation. The result is a wide processing latitude, good colour retention and long life expectancy.

Availability: AFFINITY SQ 1503 UE Polyolefin Plastomer is available as free flowing powder ground to 500 micron.


  • Buoys
  • Fenders
  • Road furniture

Complies with:

  • EU, No 10/2011
  • U.S. FDA FCN 424
    Consult the regulations for complete details.
Бренд: AffinityПроизводител: DowТип на полимер: POPФилер: НепополнетиФорма: GranulesКвалитет: PrimeSustainability: Not Classified
Heat Stabilized
Octene Comonomer
UV Stabilized

Пазари и технологии


-No 10/2011
-FCN 424

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