Celstran PA66-GF60-02 P11/12

За овој производ

Material code according to ISO 1043-1: PA66 Heat stabilized Nylon 66 reinforced by 60 weight percent long glass fibers. The pellets are cylindrical and normally as well as the embedded fibers 11 mm long. Parts molded of CELSTRAN have outstanding mechanical properties such as high strength and stiffness combined with high heat deflection. The notched impact strength is increased at elevated and low temperatures due to the fiber skeleton built in the parts. The long fiber reinforcement reduces creep significantly. The very isotropic shrinkage in the molded parts minimizes the warpage. Complex parts can be manufactured with high reproducibility by injection molding. Can be used for substituting die cast metal with the advantage of Weight reduction, no corrosion problems, no post treatment. Colour black (12)

Бренд: CelstranПроизводител: CelaneseТип на полимер: PA66Филер: 60% Long Glass FiberФорма: GranulesКвалитет: PrimeОдржливост: Not Classified
Corrosion Resistant
Creep Resistant
Heat Resistance, Good
Heat Stabilized
Impact Resistance, Good
Isotropy, Good
Low Temperature Impact Resistance
Stiffness, High
Strength, High
Warpage, Low

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