Resinex RX 458

За овој производ


RX 458 is a Flame Retardant PE grade which meets UL94 V0 rating at 8mm.

When we use RX 458 to make colours or black, the resulting product is named:
RX 458 "colour" FR xxxx (xxxx is a unique 4 digit number for that colour).

The range of possible colours can be limited because of limitations in addition levels of pigments which can affect FR performance.

Applications / Grade Selection:

This is a modified version of RX 401 that will give a V0 rating when used at 8mm wall thickness
UL94 V0 is a high rating for PE based FR products.
This type of performance is difficult to achieve in PE, and is partly due to the high wall thickness requirement of 8mm
Note that not meeting the minimum wall thickness will most likely result in a failure to meet the required FR performance.

Typical Datasheet Information:

RX 458 TRAFFIC BLUE FR 10078 Polyethylene Resin is designed specifically for rotational moulding applications
requiring flame retardancy to UL94 V0 standard.
RX 458 TRAFFIC BLUE FR 10078 is fully heat and UV stabilised resulting in a very wide processing latitude, good colour
retention and long life expectancy.

Бренд: ResinexПроизводител: ResinexТип на полимер: LLDPEФилер: НепополнетиФорма: PowderКвалитет: PrimeSustainability: Not Classified
UV Stabilized

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