Si-Link DFDA-5488 NT

За овој производ

DFDA-5488 NT is a fast cross-linking catalyst masterbatch designed to be used with the scorch retardant
DFDB-5451NT ethylene-silane copolymer in order to produce insulation for power and control tray cables up to 1KV.
Because the catalyst masterbatch is shipped separately from the silane-modified polyethylene, the components are
very shelf-stable. Crosslinking of the insulation system only occurs after hot melt mixing of the two components and
exposure to moisture. When DFDA-5488 NT is mixed with DFDB-5451 NT, the resulting system has excellent scorch
resistance during extrusion.

DFDA-5488 NT includes sufficient antioxidant so that the SI-LINK™ AC system provides excellent processing and
product performance. This insulation system is designed to be effective on either copper or aluminum conductors.
The recommended level of usage for DFDA-5488 NT is 5% by weight.

The specific level will depend on the process
and conditions used. For your particular application, contact your Dow representative for recommended levels.

Бренд: Si-LinkПроизводител: DowТип на полимер: PE-SilaneФилер: НепополнетиФорма: GranulesКвалитет: PrimeОдржливост: Not Classified
Colorability, Good
Low Voltage
Processability, Good

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