Aspun 6850

За овој производ

Aspun 6850 Fiber Grade Resin is a linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE). Typical processes include spun-bond nonwoven and staple fiber production.

Designed for processing into nonwoven fabrics and bonding fibers.
Soft fabric with excellent drape.
Low melting point for bonding.

It complies with:

  • U.S. FDA 21 CFR 177.1520 (c) 3.2a
  • EU, No 10/2011
    Consult the regulations for complete details.

The composition of this product complies with the requirements for use in contact with food of the EU, No 10/2011. Contact a Dow Sales Office to obtain a detailed food contact compliance letter for this product. Such a letter covers the food contact status of this product in the various European Countries and in addition gives information about the imposed migration requirements.

Бренд: AspunПроизводител: DowТип на полимер: LLDPEФилер: НепополнетиФорма: GranulesКвалитет: PrimeSustainability: Not Classified
Adhesion, Good
Food Contact Acceptable
Low Temperature Flexibility

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