Sabic PP 525P

За овој производ

SABIC PP 525P is a medium flow material typically used in extrusion applications like sheet and thermoforming.

SABIC PP 525P is typically used in dairy, flower pots, yellow fats and disposables plates and cups. However, customers use this grade also in combination with fillers like Talc and CaCO3.

SABICPP 525P is particularly developed for (biaxially) oriented PP film extrusion with a very specific molecular structure providing the ultimate properties required for the stretching process.

SABICPP 525P is typically used in mono layer or coextruded (B)OPP film. SABICPP 525P is known for its excellent metallisation behaviour.

The product mentioned herein is in particular not tested and therefore not validated for use in pharmaceutical/medical applications.

Бренд: Sabic PPПроизводител: SabicТип на полимер: PP HOMOФилер: НепополнетиФорма: GranulesКвалитет: PrimeОдржливост: Not Classified
Flow, Medium
Isotactic, Medium
Wide Molecular Weight Distribution

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