Retain 3000 Functional Polymer

За овој производ

RETAIN 3000 is a functional polymer which promotes compatibilization between polyolefins and polar polymers such as ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) and polyamide (Nylon) and blends of polar polymers. RETAIN 3000 functions to enhance the dispersion of the polar polymers into the polyolefin matrix such that the haze of the resulting structure is minimized. The utility may be achieved where the polyolefin is either a polyethylene or polypropylene.
Main Characteristics:

  • Good compatibilization between polyolefins and polar polymers
  • Wide range of process and service temperature
  • For blown and cast film
  • May be used in-line or pre-compounded

Complies with:

  • EU, No 10/2011
  • US FDA 21 CFR 175.105 (c)(5)
    Consult the regulations for complete details.
Бренд: RetainПроизводител: DowТип на полимер: PE-gФилер: НепополнетиФорма: GranulesКвалитет: PrimeОдржливост: Not Classified

Пазари и технологии


-No 10/2011
-21 CFR 175.105(c) (5)

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