Lighter C93

За овој производ

Lighter Resins are polyethylene terephthalate produced from PTA and MEG. These are specifically designed for the production of beverage, food and other liquid containers for thermoforming.
There are several LIGHTER PET polymers, designed for the specific performance requirements of different applications, including very good mechanical properties, excellent clarity, and a wide processing range on all injection and stretch blow molding machines. LIGHTER C93 is particularly suitable for bottling mineral water since it is designed specifically to minimize the formation of acetaldehyde. In general this grade is recommended for bottles for both still and carbonated mineral water. LIGHTER C93 is also suitable for the production of extruded thermoformable sheets.

Бренд: LighterПроизводител: EquipolymersТип на полимер: APETФилер: НепополнетиФорма: GranulesКвалитет: PrimeSustainability: Not Classified
Clarity, High
Processability, Good

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