Bynel 2002

За овој производ

BYNEL™ Series 2000 resins are acid modified ethylene acrylate resins. They contain a temperature stable ester which makes them functional in high temperature coextrusions. They are available in pellet form for use in conventional extrusion and coextrusion equipment designed to process polyethylene (PE) resins.
BYNEL™ 2000 series resins adhere to a wide variety of materials. They are most often used to adhere to PE, EVA, Polyamide, ionomer, paper, aluminum foil, and printed films.
BYNEL™ 2002 is designed for low melt temperature extrusion or coextrusion coating / laminating applications.

Бренд: BynelПроизводител: DowТип на полимер: PE-gФилер: НепополнетиФорма: GranulesКвалитет: PrimeОдржливост: Not Classified
Adhesion, Good
Barrier Resin
Food Contact Acceptable

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