Ramclean 206

За овој производ

RAMCLEAN 206 is a new product -a Smart purging agent; Non-Corrosive, Non-Abrasive and Non-Toxic is designed to clean transparent materials with working temperatures 230°C –320°C.PC, PP, PE, Acrylic, Clear PS.

Main characteristics: best when 2nd material is transparent; good self purging, does not have foaming agent, clean continuously at normal RPM and processing temp

Clear materials, PC, Acrylic

Extrusion and injection

Easy to use -“AS IS”-no mixing or any further preparation is required.
It is safe to use and handle and doesn't damage machinery after years of use providing continuous positive results.

Бренд: RamcleanПроизводител: PolyramТип на полимер: MB PurgingФилер: НепополнетиФорма: GranulesКвалитет: PrimeSustainability: Not Classified
Abrasion Resistant
Corrosion Resistant
Food Contact Acceptable

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