Buna SB 1739

Informazioni su questo prodotto

BUNATM SB 1739–Schkopau is manufactured by cold polymerization using mixed rosin acid/fatty acid soaps.
In relation to solid rubber it is plasticized with 37.5 parts of TDAE oil which does comply with EU DIRECTIVE 2005/69/EC for use in tires within the EU. A discoloring stabilizer is added during the production process.
BUNATM SB 1739–Schkopau is a general purpose rubber. It can be processed in all sectors of the tire and rubber industry. The main application is tire production, imparting improved grip and handling performance due to its increased styrene content.

Brand: BunaProduttore: SynthosTipo di polimero: sSBRoeFiller: Non caricatoModulo: BalesQualità: PrimeSostenibilità: Not Classified

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