Attane 4606GC
A termékről
ATTANE 4606GC Ultra Low Density Ethylene/Hexene Copolymer is a skin layer in cast film offers excellent low temperature hot tack properties combined with outstanding tear and impact strength. In stretch film applications, ATTANE 4606GC Ultra Low Density Ethylene/Hexene Copolymer Resin exhibits excellent stretchability as well as good physical and cling properties. ATTANE 4606GC Ultra Low Density Ethylene/Hexene Copolymer Resin can also be utilised in blown film coextrusion where it is combined with other resins having excellent bubble stability allowing ATTANE 4606GC Ultra Low Density Ethylene/Hexene Copolymer Resin to be used as a sealant in multilayer film structures.
- Cling layer in cast stretch film
- Sealants in cast and blown films
Complies with:
- Europe Commission Regulation (EU), No 10/2011
- U.S. FDA FCN 741
Consult the regulations for complete details.
Food Contact Acceptable
Hexene Comonomer
Optical Properties, Good
Stretchability, Good
Toughness, High
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