Lotte Chemical PET

Brand information

PET- Polyethylene Terephthalate

PET bottles made of LOTTE Chemical's PET have many strengths such as non-toxicity, transparency, maintainability, chemical resistance, lightweight, processability, and excellent economical efficiency. Moreover, LOTTE Chemical’s PET can be molded at lower temperatures, leading to shorter cycle time and reduced utility costs.

Product Use:

  • Soft drink container
  • Mineral water container
  • Heat-resistant container
  • Cosmetics container
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Characteristics, Features:

  • Non-toxicity
  • Transparency
  • Chemical resistance
  • Lightweight
  • Economical efficiency


  • COOL Grades:
    Characteristics: Excellent processability, high transparency, high-stress cracking resistance & strength, excellent thermal stability, recyclability, and reusability.
    Usage: Soft drink and mineral water container, transparent sheets, packaging materials, other extrusion and injection products.

  • HOT
    Characteristics: Excellent processability, high transparency, high-stress cracking resistance & strength, excellent thermal stability, recyclability, and reusability.
    Usage: Thermal-resistant containers (for juice, tea, and drinks), mineral water container, and other extruded and injection products.

  • ACE
    Characteristics: Superior reheating efficiency compared to conventional CO-PET products, saving energy in blow molding stage Excellent processability, high transparency.
    Usage: Soft drink and mineral water container, transparent sheets, packaging materials, other extrusion and injection products.

  • BIO
    Characteristics: PET resin (contains 30% bio content) with sugarcane-derived bio-MEG as raw material to reduce CO₂ emission 28% compared to general products.
    Usage: Soft drink and mineral water container, transparent sheets, packaging materials, other extrusion and injection products.

  • HIT
    Characteristics: Titanium catalyst applied, reduced acetaldehyde, reduced processing temperature (energy saving), gas resistant, thermal stability, excellent IV retention.
    Usage: Thermal-resistant containers (for juice, tea, and drinks), mineral water container, and other extruded and injection products.

Producers: LottePolimer csoport: PET COMPolimercsoport/típus(ok): APET

Lotte Chemical PET products

1 termék(ek) a Lotte Chemical PET-on található(ak)]
Polimercsoport és típusPET COM (APET)


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