Ravasafe ZH- LSF 11
A termékről
Ravasafe ZH-LSF 11 is a thermoplastic zero halogen, low smoke flame retardant compound designed for general
purpose insulation and sheathing applications.
Ravasafe ZH-LSF 11 combines excellent processing, good flame retardancy and good mechanical properties.
Typical Application: Telecom, LV power application, complying with DIN VDE 0207-24 HM4 specification and also
VDE 0207-part 23 HJ2.
Márka: RavasafeGyártó: Ravago ManufacturingMűanyag típus: LDPETöltőanyag: TöltetlenForma: GranulesSustainability: Not Classified
Flame Retardant
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