Westlake PVC 19481B
A termékről
Flexible PVC-compound for extrusion formulated for THHN-TWHN insulating applications requiring a maximum service temperature of 105ºC. tHIS
COMPOUND IS BEST SUITED FOR 1/64" wall thickness applications.
Maximum temperature service: 105 ºC.
Designed for use at higher operations temperatures. UL-listed compound.
This compound is for use as insulation for types TW, THW,, THHW, THHN, THWN, VW-1.
Code where the acceptability of the combination has been determined by Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
Márka: Westlake PVCGyártó: Westlake ChemicalPolimer típus: PVC CompoundTöltőanyag: TöltetlenForma: GranulesFenntarthatóság: Not Classified
Flexibility, Good
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