
Не е необходимо обработката да се извършва само по конвенционални методи. Разполагаме с материали, които могат да се използват в различни процеси за специално производство. Виниловите плочи се произвеждат от PVC гранули. Добавките за смесване подобряват свойствата на продукта като адхезия и устойчивост на UV лъчи. Мастербачът добавят специфични свойства. Лепилата за горещо топене се смесват и нагряват. Кухите влакна за филтриране се произвеждат чрез методи като Melt spinning и Dry spinning.

Processing Methods

Processing does not have to be solely by conventional methods. We have materials in our portfolio that can be used in a variety of processes to produce many different applications.

Vinyl Record Production

The production of vinyl records is unique. PVC pellets are moulded into discs and pressed into the shape of the record. This process involves intense heat and pressure, during which the record label is attached.

Compounding Additives

In addition to materials being used as the main compounding material, Resinex offers many products that can enhance the finished product. Additives can improve the product's lifetime or ease of production. Examples of improved properties include:

  • Adhesion

  • Toughness

  • UV resistance

  • Heat resistance

  • Thermal stability

  • Degradation resistance during processing and in the finished product

  • Ease of processing


Masterbatches are used in the compounding process or directly via the conversion process (such as injection moulding or extrusion) to add specific properties to the material. These properties can include colour, blowing agents, beads, and anti-bacterial additives.

Hot Melt Adhesives

Adhesives are produced from primary polymers and then include waxes to control the setting speed, plasticisers to improve flexibility, and resins to enhance tackiness. Mixing and heating these components together in the desired ratios will produce the required adhesive. The final form can take the shape of:

  • Blocks

  • Pellets

  • Sticks

Production of Hollow Fibre Filtration Media

For end use in filtration membranes for water filtration or microfiltration media used in medical or industrial applications, hollow fibres are produced to make up these porous walls. They can be made from materials such as polysulfone, polyethersulfone, or polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). There are several different ways to produce hollow fibres:

  1. Melt Spinning: The polymer is melted and extruded into air where it cools and solidifies into hollow fibres.

  2. Dry Spinning: The polymer is dissolved in a solvent and then extruded. The solvent evaporates, leaving the hollow fibre product.

  3. Wet Spinning: The polymer is extruded into a water bath (or other wet media), known as a coagulation bath, where it solidifies.

  4. Dry-Jet Wet Spinning: This process combines elements of both wet and dry spinning. The polymer solution is extruded into air followed by the coagulation bath.

The process used depends on the desired application and properties, whether it's strength or specific pore size.


Свързани пазари

СегментиОбща промишленост • Селско стопанство и градина • Санитария • Уплътнения и уплътнители • Листове / форми • Въжета / връзки / колани • Производство на електроенергия • Тръби и маркучи • Общо строителство • Работа с флуиди / Хидравлика • Транспортни системи • Текстил и влакна • Монофиламенти • Индустриални машини • Military
Твърди опаковки
СегментиТръби • Твърди опаковки • Тънкостенни опаковки • Кофи и кутии • Бутилки и буркани • Листове и тави • Палети • Чаши • Капачки
Гъвкави опаковки
Сегментимедицински • Опаковки за храни • Опаковки с висока издръжливост • Защитно фолио • Биаксиално ориентирано фолио • Seal/peel (Залепи/Отлепи) • Етикети • Общ • Свиваемо фолио • Стреч фолио
СегментиКаучукови смеси • Лепила • Общ • Прочистване • Мастербач

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